Plants and other organisms - how is global warming affecting them?
Global warming is causing havoc with plant and animal species throughout the world. If more plant species are going extinct then one can only assume that the animals and other organisms which depend on them will also become extinct. Think of it like this - every living thing is part of a food chain; when there is an imbalance in that chain the net result is species being killed off. For a food chain to be successful it requires a diverse range of organisms to keep the momentum going. The influence of global warming is a direct threat to that essential balance which underpins all food chains.I have an excellent website to recommend to all gardeners and non-gardeners which is Brooklyn Botanic Garden based in Brooklyn, New York. Very concise advice is given about gardening throughout the seasons. Put this site in your favourites! BBG explore a broad range of topics: gardening, horticultural, botany, garden design etc. Bookmark their site!
It's scary how noticeable the effects of global warming have been this year. I work at a gardening catalog company, Park Seed and customers have been calling in alot about flowers blooming out of season and vegies ripening in what is supposed to be the middle of winter.
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