October in Your Garden
General garden tasks for October include:
- Tidy borders, clearing weeds and cutting down flower stems
- Compost all green rubbish generated by clearing the garden
- Don’t put woody material or the roots of perennial weeds on the compost heap unless they are first put through a shredder
- Remove fallen leaves from the crowns of plants to prevent rotting
- Continue replacing summer bedding with winter and spring bedding as the flowers come to an end
- Lift tender perennials and tender bulbs and bring indoors
- Continue planting spring bulbs
- Once the vegetable patch is cleared, carry out winter digging
- Plant spring cabbage and over wintering onion sets. Plant garlic towards the end of the month or next month
- Pot up herbs for winter use
- Make a new lawn by laying turf
- Reduce mowing and clear piles of dead leaves from the lawn to stop the grass turning yellow
- Sow a new lawn if you haven’t yet, before the new grass gets hit by hard frosts
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