Thursday, September 07, 2006

Herbaceous border gets 'the chop'

This morning as I was taking a pleasant stroll in Herbert Park, Donnybrook, I was amazed to find the park staff busily cutting back the scraggly herbaceous border. What a surprise! I liaterally had to do a double take! Can't be happening I thought as the female gardener called Naidia snipped away with her secateurs at an overgrown clump of sedum. Anyway wonders never cease. This very same herbaceous border was the subject of one of my recent posts - I seem to remember being very critical of the state of the said herbaceous border and in particular the head gardener, Dominic Madden. Well my humble apology must be forthcoming to the aforementioned Mr Madden. It must be said that he was no where to be seen this morning - but he is afterall a head gardener with responsibilities that may necessitate his being present at other parts of Herbert Park which is quite a large public park at 32 acres (13 hectares).

Hopefully the current rejuvenation of the herbaceous border will continue and in due course the pruning back of all adjacent shrubs. We must strive to make Herbert Park a much better maintained public park. This will ensure that Dubliners and visitors from abroad will impressed by the maintenance standards of our parks.

There should in my opinion be a system of annual best maintained and managed public parks which would have a monetary prize as well as a trophy. Such a procedure would encourage the various head gardeners and their staff to make more of an effort to do a better job. Motivating the staff of the public parks would be a very worthwhile exercise. Not alone would they be empowered to do a better job but they would feel a personal loyalty to the park. In the majority of cases bonus incentives do make a difference to peoples' approach to their employment duties. But I suspect this radical change will not occur until maybe the next century!


At 3:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are very critical of Herbert Park, I'm sure you'd do a MUCH better job, wouldn't you?


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