Sunday, December 10, 2006

Micropropagation of Plants - What the term means

Today I was listening to Gardeners' Question Time on BBC Radio 4 and one of the topics discussed was micropropagation. I rarely miss this programme and if any of you have aspirations to be a better gardener then you would do well to tune in to this BBC Radio 4 broadcast. Bob Flowerdew went on to explain that this is the method by which most tree nurseries now use to propagate or grow their trees. the advantages are that this method makes it easier to grow plants in a uniform way; plants will have the same physical characteristics. The biggest disadvantage with micropropagation is that pests and diseases can more easily enter a plant, making it more difficult to control the pests and diseases.

The bottom line is that you can grow or propagate plants using the ordinary methods of planting seedlings or taking cuttings (root, stem or leaf). You will still get reliable plants - what matters is the aftercare. A little TLC goes a long way towards ensuring healthy, viable plants.


At 9:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom'

Finally I have got around to visiting your website, and it is fantastic - had no idea you were interested in so many things besides gardening!

So you have discovered the joys of BBC Radio 4. I too am a fan. Live discussions on any topic you care to mention. Our English neighbours haven't always been kind to us over the years, but you have to hand it to them: they know how to produce good talk radio.

Like you I share an interest in plants. Some day I shall have a garden of my own, I hope, in which I may experiment. For the present, my gardening consists in cutting other peoples grass, and making sure a creeper on the kitchen window-sill doesn't die of thirst.

I was surprised to discover some time ago that Michael Hesseltine, sometime Deputy PM in Thatcher's government, is a very keen gardener. See

Happy gardening, and continue to keep us informed of your progres.

Is 'Titanic' really one of your favourite films?




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