Gardener's Question Time
Wednesday 6.5.09Here is the update to Gardener's Question Time from last Sunday's programme.
Also why do bay tree leaves which have turned brown tend not to fall off the branches? This fact is also noticeable with beech tree leaves which cling on for dear life even though they have turned brown during autumn. The reason for this is that the branches and stems are still alive which tend to cling onto the dead leaves.
Rosemary can be used to replace a lavender hedge or border over the years has become woody. Lavender becomes very woody in its stems and branches after a period of five to ten years.
A Smoke tree – Cotinus coggyria about nine feet high which is a good height for this tree, has split at the bottom of the trunk. At the end of March next year prune the tree back hard. Remember the Smoke tree is short lived and might not survive hard pruning, but it is worth a try. (Bob Flowerdew).
Club root disease can survive in the soil for up to twenty years. The pathogen ( ) will cling to any plant debris of soil organisms in an attempt to survive. Club root dislikes good drainage so grow brassicas on ridges of soil or raised beds. Increase pH by making the soil more acidic. Sow green manure such as mustard and when up plough the crop into the soil. This method will weaken the club root pathogen. However, this process takes from five to seven years to seven years to be effective. (B.F).
A lady lives in a flat and has a small garden. What plants can she grow which will encourage beneficial insects and wildlife to come and live in her garden?
Plant red currants, cherries, strawberries, coriander and Limnanthes (Poached egg plant) which will attract both beneficial and pollinating insects into the garden. Also place a little pile of sticks or logs in the corner of the garden which will encourage insects and birds to forage.
What is the best way to cultivate Clematis armandii? Before cultivating dig in plenty of well rotted compost of farm yard manure (FYM). Place old tiles loosely around the base of the plant which will keep the roots cool and moist.
Now some information about Beetroot { Beta vulgaris }
Beetroot probably originated in West Asia and the Mediterraneanand has been used as a vegetable since early Classical times. Originally beetroot appears to have been prized for its leaves, the roots being 'discovered' much later towards the end of the Middle Ages. As with many vegetables, in early times beetroot's ‘medicinal’ properties were more important than its eating qualities.
How to cultivate Beetroot:
Prepare soil for sowing by digging. Remove weeds, large stones and rake to leave a fine finish.
Seed can be sown directly into the soil from April to July.
Make a 2cm (0.75in) deep trench with a cane and drop in two seeds every 10cm (4in). Cover, water and label.
Thin out seedlings when 2cm (0.75in) tall, leaving one every 10cm (4in).
Keep well watered and remove weeds from bed.
Depending on variety, harvest roots 90 days after sowing, when they're between the size of a golf ball and a tennis ball.
If you have a tiny garden, beetroot are easy to grow in pots.
Information about beetroot
Labels: Bay tree, Clematis, Lavender, Rosemary, Smoke tree
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