Sunday, November 11, 2007

Why the long absence...

Just so that the readers of this blog are put in the light regarding the writer's absence from the blogging world. You are probably wondering why I have not composed even the slightest short blog in as many weeks (last post was September 9th '07); well to put it bluntly I got tired of the amount of effort and work that has to go into preparing a blog article. It is after all a 'creative process' and as such blogging is basically work. So much so that when one already has employment doing something that is very tiring well then it's down to choices - in life one always has to make choices.

The following is very appropriate advice from a well known blogger. I wont copy and paste their blog - here's a link instead to the article in question: Tips for Staying Writerly Motivated on Your Blog.

Not to labour the point I'll be quite blunt - from now on this writer will update his two blogs on a two to four week basis. That way content will not suffer and you the reader will not be left in the dark. So there that's out of the way and I look forward to writing a new fresh blog post tomorrow afternoon (I already have plenty material), so no more lazy excuses!

Also have a look at The Blog Herald it makes interesting reading for bloggers of all levels of competence.


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