The Palm Oil Story
Indonesia is the world's leading producer of palm oil. The island of Borneo has the largest palm oil plantations in the world. The largest plantation is the size of 3,000 football stadiums all in one continuous block. When viewed from the air such a mass of palm trees must be quite a spectacle.The Tropical palm tree (Elaeis guineensis - not the same as coconut palm trees) grows very quickly and in the space of two months they are ready to produce palm oil. Palm oil is used in the cosmetics industry and also in the food industry. It is the most heavily consumed dietary oil in the world after soyabean oil. As palm oil is a bio-fuel it can be used to power modern car engines. This is a 'green alternative' which hopefully Ireland and other countries will adopt in the near future.
This is also the reason that Borneo is increasing the size of its massive palm oil plantations so that it can meet the future demand for bio-fuel.
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