Garden Pests & Diseases during July
Garden pests to watch out for during July include cabbage white butterflies. They lay eggs on brassica plants - remove patches of eggs from the underside of the leaves & remove caterpillars while tiny. This will prevent them wrecking your vegetables.Rain during July usually causes an outbreak of potato blight. If weather is wet - spray maincrop potatoes & outdoor tomatoes with Bordeaux mixture at 2 - weekly intervals from now until mid-August. This method will prevent your plants being wiped out. Foliage of affected plants looks as if it has been burnt, turning black and dying off in a few days. Tomato fruit turns black and the fruit drop off the plant.
Remove foliage from affected potatoes - the tubers might escape the disease because they are underground. But don't store the tubers - use them as soon as possible. Never, ever put affected potatoes or tomatoes or foliage on the compost heap. Dispose of this blight infected plant material either by burying in a waste piece of ground or by placing in a polythene refuse bag and adding it to your domestic waste bin.
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