Monday, January 29, 2007

Seasonal plant advice for all gardeners

Lemon verbena and Mirabilis jalapa are two plants whose tubers have to be dug up and stored inside before the onset of winter. The tubers are tender and will not survive in the ground over winter (Bob Flowerdew).

Juniperus skyrocket & Taxus bacatta fastigiata (Irish yew) are very good plants to grow in pots. Alternative plants which can be grown in large containers outdoors include Buxus; Eucalyptus and Ilex spp. (Holly) (Bunny Guinness).

Now is the time to check plants which were planted last September - early autumn. The wind may have rocked the plants which will cause a check in growth rate. Using your foot firm around the plants. If the ground is too wet just apply bark mulch and wait until ground dries before firming, (John Cushnie).

Japanese maple is okay in shade - protect form cold east wind. Aucuba japonica (Spotted laurel) will survive almost any soil or climatic conditions. Heuchera will do in deep shade. Digitalis (Foxglove) are okay in shade (Bob Flowerdew).


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