Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gardening Weblog & Dahlias

Recently I received this interesting link to BBC Gardening Today. It uses the blogger format to enable three gardeners express their views on the range of gardening tasks they perform each day of the week. The three gardeners are based in the UK. Their daily blog updates will make for interesting reading. I would encourage you to copy & paste the following link to your web browser. You have everything to gain by exploring these expert gardening blogs: _your_garden/weblogs_index.shtml
You can also access the 'Garden Blogs' by clicking on the link
'BBC Gardeners' World'.

There are something like 50,000 different dahlias available. Dahlias were introduced from Mexico to Europe about 200 years ago. The first plants were grown at the botanic gardens of Madrid and were cared for by the Swedish assistant curator, Andreas Dahl. The plants were named after him.
Dahlias are too tender to survive the whole year round. They are easy to grow, thriving in any reasonable garden soil. The trick is to keep them moist. One of the recommended places to get dahlia tubers is :
Winchester Growers, Varfell Farm, Long Rock, Penzance, Cornwall TR20 8AQ.
  • Tel: 01736 851033
I will have more information on Dahlia growing tips in future posts. In the meantime enjoy your garden and all it has to offer.


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