Nudist Gardening - strictly for adventurous gardeners?
Nudist gardening in England is very popular; it seems that people are into this natural lifestyle for both the health benefits and the practical advantages of gardening. The Second Annual World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD) is taking place on Saturday, September 9, 2006 at Abbey House Gardens, in Malmesbury, Wiltshire, England.Global warming is making Ireland's temperature increasingly hotter which could create the possibility of nudist gardening colonies scattered throughout the beautiful countryside. Adventurous gardeners and naturalists might soon be swopping plants, cuttings, spades and wheelbarrows! Spring and summer will be seasons yearned for throughout the long wet and very mild winter. Although the article you will read refers to the possibility of global warming making Ireland a much colder place. I believe this scenario will not occur. Why? Ireland will be lucky - the nudists and the gardeners will win the day!
Weather forecasters are not always right. Irish weather forecasts seldom hit the mark. But it is very difficult to provide an accurate forecast for an island like Ireland; The Atlantic Ocean which can be very wild, throwing up fierce weather patterns as frequently as weeds sprouting in a garden is the main dominating factor in Irish and indeed European weather patterns. The future Irish nudist gardeners might have to hibernate for the autumn and winter seasons! Then again they could always clean up the potting shed.
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